29. G. A. Oropeza Gómez, J. O. Orozco-López, F. J. Casillas-Rodríguez and M. Mora-Gonzalez, "2D automatic alignment of optical spatial filtering system by PID control," 2022 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), Ixtapa, Mexico, 2022, pp. 1-6.
28. B. L. Medina, J. A. V. Ibarra, R. R. M. Ramírez and M. Mora-Gonzalez, "Multi-step forecasting of waiting time on emergency department overcrowding using multilayer perceptron neural network algorithm," 2020 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), Ixtapa, Mexico, 2020, pp. 1-6.
27. M.S. Soriano-Garcia, R. Sevilla-Escoboza and M. Mora-Gonzalez, "Optomechatronics design for mobile fringe patterns with applications on profilometry," 2019 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), Ixtapa, Mexico, 2019, pp. 1-6.
26. C. Quintanar-Sotelo, Ernesto Bernal-Ortega, Adrian Navarro-Carranza, Alan J. Romo-Muñoz, Jorge A. de la Cruz Morales, R. Sevilla-Escoboza and Miguel Mora-Gonzalez, "Self-localization and positioning vehicle navigation system based on computer vision and PID control," 2019 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), Ixtapa, Mexico, 2019, pp. 1-6.
25. M. Mora-Gonzalez and R. Sevilla-Escoboza, "Enhancing the Edge Detection by Gradient-Plus-Canny Filters,"
in Imaging and Applied Optics 2018 (3D, AO, AIO, COSI, DH, IS, LACSEA, LS&C, MATH, pcAOP),
OSA Technical Digest
(Optical Society of America, 2018), paper JW4A.34.
24. Ulises H. Rodriguez-Marmolejo, Tania A. Ramirez-del Real, Jesus
Muñoz-Maciel, Miguel Mora-Gonzalez, "Combination of genetic algorithms
and FSD applied to fringe pattern demodulation," Proc. SPIE 9600, Image
Reconstruction from Incomplete Data VIII, 96000A (21 September 2015).
23. Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Miguel Mora-González, Francisco J.
Casillas-Rodríguez, Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, "Fourier analysis of
quadratic phase interferograms," Proc. SPIE 9526, Modeling Aspects in
Optical Metrology V, 952612 (21 June 2015).
22. Tania A. Ramirez-Delreal, Miguel Mora-González, Marco A. Paz, Jesús
Muñoz-Maciel, Ulises H. Rodriguez-Marmolejo, "Miscalibration detection
in phase-shifting algorithms by applying radon transform," Proc. SPIE
9131, Optical Modelling and Design III, 91311G (1 May 2014).
21. Marín P., Lizana Á., Peinado A., Mora-Gonzalez M., Campos J. (2014)
Comparison of Two Methods to Design Computer Generated Holograms of
Discrete Points Objects. In: Osten W. (eds) Fringe 2013. Springer,
Berlin, Heidelberg.
20. R. Chiu, M. Mora-Gonzalez, D. Lopez-Mancilla, "Implementation of a Chaotic Oscillator into a Simple Microcontroller," IERI Procedia, Volume 4, 2013, Pages 247-252.
19. C. A. de Luna-Ortega, J. A. Ramírez-Márquez, M. Mora-González, J. C. Martínez-Romo and C. A. López-Luévano, "Fingerprint Verification Using the Center of Mass and Learning Vector Quantization," 2013 12th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Mexico City, 2013, pp. 123-127.
18. Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Francisco J. Casillas-Rodriguez,
Miguel Mora González, Francisco G. Peña Lecona, Victor M. Durán Ramirez,
"Phase recovery from interferograms under severe vibrations," Proc. SPIE 8789, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology IV, 87891B (13 May 2013)
17. Miguel Mora-González, Roger Chiu-Zarate, Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Julio C. Martinez-Romo, Javier Salinas-Luna, Juan Campos Colma, Francisco J. Luna-Rosas, "Composed filter for attenuating bi-frequential noise on LCD-generated ronchigrams," Proc. SPIE 8436, Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications II, 84360K (30 April 2012).
16. Miguel Mora-González, Roger Chiu-Zarate, Jesús Muñoz-Maciel,
Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, Héctor Pérez Ladrón de Guevara, Francisco J.
Casillas, "Comparison between quasi-sinusoidal and quasi-triangular
profiles for diffraction gratings printed on acetates," Proc. SPIE 8287,
Eighth Symposium Optics in Industry, 82870C (14 October 2011).
15. Diaz-Sanchez G., Piza-Davila I., Sanchez-Diaz G., Mora-Gonzalez M., Reyes-Cardenas O., Cardenas-Tristan A. and Aguirre-Salado C., (2011) Typical Testors Generation Based on an
Evolutionary Algorithm. In: Yin H., Wang W., Rayward-Smith V. (eds)
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2011. IDEAL
2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6936. Springer, Berlin,
14. Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Francisco J. Casillas Rodriguez, Miguel Mora
González, Francisco G. Peña Lecona, Victor M. Durán Ramírez, "Gradient
reconstruction for the phase recovery from a single interferogram with
closed fringes," Proc. SPIE 8083, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology
III, 80830P (23 May 2011).
13. Miguel Mora-González, Francisco J. Casillas, Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Roger
Chiu-Zarate, Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, "The Ronchi test using a liquid
crystal display as a phase grating," Proc. SPIE 8082, Optical
Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VII, 80823G (27 May 2011).
12. Sanchez-Diaz G., Piza-Davila I., Lazo-Cortes M., Mora-Gonzalez M.,
Salinas-Luna J. (2010) A Fast Implementation of the CT_EXT Algorithm for
the Testor Property Identification. In: Sidorov G., Hernández Aguirre
A., Reyes García C.A. (eds) Advances in Soft Computing. MICAI 2010.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6438. Springer, Berlin,
11. Mora-González M., Martínez-Romo J.C., Muñoz-Maciel J., Sánchez-Díaz G., Salinas-Luna J., Piza-Dávila H.I., Luna-Rosas F.J., de Luna-Ortega C.A., (2010) Radon Transform Algorithm for Fingerprint
Core Point Detection. In: Martínez-Trinidad J.F., Carrasco-Ochoa J.A.,
Kittler J. (eds) Advances in Pattern Recognition. MCPR 2010. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol 6256. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
10- F.J. Luna Rosas, J.C. Martínez Romo, J.R. de la Torre Sifuentes, M. Mora, A. Padilla D., “ANFIS: Fast identification of breast cancer”, Proc. of The 2009 Int. Conf. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Vol. II (2009) 459-465.
9. Martínez-Romo J.C., Luna-Rosas F.J., Mora-González M. (2009) On-Line
Signature Verification Based on Genetic Optimization and
Neural-Network-Driven Fuzzy Reasoning. In: Aguirre A.H., Borja R.M.,
Garciá C.A.R. (eds) MICAI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence.
MICAI 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5845. Springer,
Berlin, Heidelberg.
8. Miguel Mora-González, Héctor Pérez Ladrón de Guevara, Jesús
Muñoz-Maciel, Roger Chiu-Zarate, Francisco J. Casillas, Gilberto
Gómez-Rosas, Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, Zuleima Montserrat
Vázquez-Flores, "Discretization of quasi-sinusoidal diffraction gratings
printed on acetates," Proc. SPIE 7499, Seventh Symposium Optics in
Industry, 74990C (3 December 2009).
7. De La Torre J., Luna F., Martínez J., Padilla A., Mora M. (2008) SERS
and ANFIS: Fast Identification of the Presence of Retrovirus in CD4
Cells, Cause of AIDS. In: Gelbukh A., Morales E.F. (eds) MICAI 2008:
Advances in Artificial Intelligence. MICAI 2008. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, vol 5317. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
6. J. C. M. Romo, F. J. L. Rosas and M. Mora-González, "Combining Genetic
Algorithms and FLDR for Real-Time Voice Command Recognition," 2008 Seventh Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Atizapan de Zaragoza, 2008, pp. 163-169.
5- G. Gomez-Rosas, C. Rubio-Gonzalez, J.L. Ocaña, C. Molpeceres, J.A. Porro, M. Morales, F.J. Casillas, M. Mora-González, F.G. Peña-Lecona, “Application of Laser Shock Processing System by Underwater Irradiation (1064 nm) in Metal Surface”, AIP Conf. Proc. RIAO/OPTILAS 2007, Vol. 992 (2007) 1123-1128.
4- J. Muñoz Maciel, F.J. Casillas Rodríguez, M. Mora González, F.G. Peña Lecona, G. Gómez Rosas, “Phase Recovery From a Single Interferogram by Region Growing”, AIP Conf. Proc. RIAO/OPTILAS 2007, Vol. 992 (2007) 365-370.
3. G. Gomez-Rosas, C. Rubio-Gonzalez, J. L. Ocaña, C. Molpeceres, J. A.
Porro, M. Morales, F. J. Casillas, M. Mora-Gonzalez, W. Chi-Moreno,
"Laser shock processing to improve residual stresses with and without
paint layer on 6061-T6 aluminum alloy," Proc. SPIE 6422, Sixth Symposium
Optics in Industry, 64220U (18 May 2007).
2. Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, F. Gerardo Lecona-Peña, Cesar Castillo-Quevedo,
Franciso J. Casillas-Rodríguez, Víctor Duran-Martínez, Miguel
Mora-González, "Phase recovery from a single interferogram using
multiple Fourier transforms," Proc. SPIE 6292, Interferometry XIII:
Techniques and Analysis, 62920D (14 August 2006).
1. Noe Alcala Ochoa, Gabriel Mendiola Anda, Miguel Mora Gonzalez, Luis
Martinez Escobedo, Celia Escamilla, "Crack inspection on tanks using
shearography," Proc. SPIE 5776, Eighth International Symposium on Laser
Metrology, (14 February 2005).
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