lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2018

JCR Papers (25)

25. Mora-Romo, Víctor-Manuel; Martínez-Romo, Julio-César; Luna-Rosas, Francisco-Javier; Hernández-Vargas, Marco-Antonio; Rodríguez-Díaz, Mario-Alberto; Mora-González, Miguel. Filtering Strategy to Minimise Errors in the Estimation of the Z Angle (Yaw) of a Rotating Body with two independent MEMS Gyroscopes. DYNA 100(1), 16-22 (2025).

24. Durán-Ramírez, V.M.; Muñoz-Maciel, J.; Casillas-Rodríguez, F.J.; Mora-Gonzalez, M.; Peña-Lecona, F.G. Exact Equations for the Back and Effective Focal Lengths of a Plano-Concave Thick Lens. Optics 5, 452-464 (2024).

23. Medina, B.L.; Martinez-Romo, J.C.; Luna-Rosas, F.J.; Gutierrez-Hernandez, D.A.; Mora-Gonzalez, M. Grey and white matter recognition in brain image segmentation using multilayer perceptron and superpixels. Opt. Pura Apl. 57(1), 51169 (2024).

22. Quintanar-Sotelo, C.O.; Casillas-Rodriguez, F.J.; Muñoz-Maciel, J.; Peña-Lecona, F.G.; Mora-Gonzalez, M. Enhanced Frequency-Guided Method with Particle Swarm Optimization for the Phase Recovery of a Single Interferogram. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 11969.

21. M.S. Gomez-Diaz, D.A. Gutiérrez-Hernandez, F.J. Casillas-Rodriguez, M. Mora-Gonzalez, C.I. Medel-Ruiz, J. Muñoz-Maciel, “Improvement in the digital acquisition of the pupillary response to controlled stimulation by means of computational tools and low-cost optoelectronics device,” Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 25(7-8), 340-349 (2023).

20. Tania A. Ramirez-delreal, Miguel Mora-Gonzalez, Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Francisco J. Casillas-Rodríguez, Marco Paz, “Phase detection algorithm using step lengths deviation errors and Hough transform in phase-shifting interferometry,” Opt. Eng. 59(7), 074105 (2020).

19. Ubaldo Uribe-López, David Asael Gutiérrez-Hernández, Francisco Javier Casillas-Rodríguez, Miguel Mora-Gonzalez, Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, “Improvement of fringe quality for phase extraction in double digital fringe projection,” Opt. Eng. 58(9), 092605 (2019).

18. Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Miguel Mora-Gonzalez, Víctor M. Duran-Ramírez, Francisco J. Casillas-Rodriguez, Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, “Spatial carrier phase shifting method for the phase recovery from two interferograms with closed fringes,” Opt. Comm. 437, 226-230 (2019).

17. E. Villafana-Rauda, R. Chiu, M. Mora-Gonzalez, F. Casillas-Rodriguez, C.I. Medel-Ruiz, R. Sevilla-Escoboza, “Dynamics of a Q-switched Nd:YVO4/Cr:YAG laser under periodic modulation,” Results in Physics 12, 908-913 (2019).

16. Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Víctor M. Duran-Ramírez, Miguel Mora-Gonzalez, Francisco J. Casillas-Rodriguez, Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, “Demodulation of a single closed-fringe interferogram with symmetric wavefront and tilt,” Opt. Comm. 436, 168-173 (2019).

15. Tania A. Ramirez-delreal, Miguel Mora-Gonzalez, Francisco J. Casillas-Rodriguez, Jesus Muñoz-Maciel, and Marco A. Paz, "Steps length error detector algorithm in phase-shifting interferometry using Radon transform as a profile measurement," Opt. Express 25, 7150-7160 (2017).

14. R. Chiu, M. Mora-González, E. Villafaña-Rauda, F. Casillas-Rodríguez, J. Castañeda-Contreras, V. Marñón-Ruíz, V. Castaño, "Optical effects of thermocavitation in natural plant extracts", Optik 134 (2017) 216-218.

13. Ulises H. Rodriguez-Marmolejo, Miguel Mora-Gonzalez, Jesus Muñoz-Maciel, and Tania A. Ramirez-delreal, “FSD-HSO Optimization Algorithm for Closed Fringes Interferogram Demodulation,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2016, Article ID 1576735, 11 pages, 2016.

12. Julio César Martínez Romo, Francisco Javier Luna-Rosas, Ricardo Mendoza-González, Alejandro Padilla-Díaz, Miguel Mora-González & Evelia Martínez-Cano (2015) Improving Sensitivity and Specificity in Breast Cancer Detection Using Raman Spectroscopy and Bayesian Classification, Spectroscopy Letters, 48:1, 40-52

11. Pablo Marin, Angel Lizana, Alba Peinado, Miguel Mora-González, Juan Campos, "Labeling technique for nonplanar surfaces based on the combination of a diffractive axilens with digital holography methods," Opt. Eng. 54(5) 054109 (28 May 2015).

10. G. Sanchez-Diaz, G. Diaz-Sanchez, M. Mora-Gonzalez, I. Piza-Davila, C.A. Aguirre-Salado, G. Huerta-Cuellar, O. Reyes-Cardenas, A. Cardenas-Tristan, “An evolutionary algorithm with acceleration operator to generate a subset of typical testors”, Pattern Recognition Letters 41 (2014) 34–42.

9. Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Francisco J. Casillas-Rodríguez, Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, Víctor M. Duran-Ramírez, Miguel Mora-Gonzales, and Jaime G. Rodríguez-Zavala, "Phase recovery from interferograms under high amplitude vibrations," Opt. Express 22, 31387-31395 (2014)

8. Victor M. Duran-Ramirez, Alejandro Martínez-Rios, Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Francisco G. Pena-Lecona, Francisco Javier Casillas-Rodriguez, Romeo Selvas-Aguilar, Miguel Mora-González, "Method for measuring the refractive index of liquids using a cylindrical cell," Opt. Eng. 52(7) 074101 (1 July 2013).

7. R. Chiu, V.F. Marañon-Ruiz, M. Mora-González, J. Castañeda-Contreras and V.M. Castaño, “Self-diffraction effects of Gentian violet dispersed in transparent glue films”, Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 14(3) (2013) 125-128.

6. Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Francisco J. Casillas-Rodríguez, Miguel Mora-González, Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, Víctor M. Duran-Ramírez, and Gilberto Gómez-Rosas, "Phase recovery from a single interferogram with closed fringes by phase unwrapping," Appl. Opt. 50, 22-27 (2011)

5. Gilberto Gomez-Rosas, Jesus Villa, Francisco J. Casillas, Miguel Mora-González, Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, Jesús Muñoz Maciel, "Scattering light measurement of optical surfaces using a new dynamic angle limited integrated scattering method," Opt. Eng. 49(5) 053607 (1 May 2010)

4. Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, Cesar Castillo-Quevedo, Francisco J. Casillas-Rodríguez, Víctor M. Duran-Ramírez, Miguel Mora-González, and Jaime G. Rodríguez-Zavala, "Phase tracking with a spatial synchronous method," Appl. Opt. 46, 3462-3465 (2007)

3. Noé Alcalá Ochoa, Miguel Mora-González, and Fernando Mendoza Santoyo, "Flatness measurement by a grazing Ronchi test," Opt. Express 11, 2177-2182 (2003).

2. Miguel Mora-Gonzalez, Noe Alcala Ochoa, "Sinusoidal liquid crystal display grating in the Ronchi test," Opt. Eng. 42(6) (1 June 2003).

1. M. Mora González, N. AlcaláOchoa, “The Ronchi Test with LCD gratings”, Opt. Comm. 191(4-6) (2001) 203-207.

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

Thesis Direction (10).

10- Thesis: Diseño e implementación de sistema de visión artificial para alerta y detección de somnolencia mediante aprendizaje profundo aplicable en conductores de vehículosStudent: Diego Jorge Luis Arroyo Rodríguez. Degree: BSc, Ingeniero MecatrónicoUniversity: Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú. Application date: Jan/21/2021. Co-direction.
9- Thesis: Implementación de una técnica de proyección de franjas y un sistema estereoscópico para aplicaciones en reconstrucción 3D. Student: Miguel Salvador Soriano García. Degree: MSc, Maestría en Ciencia y Tecnología. University: Centro Universitario de los Lagos, Universidad de Guadalajara. Application date: Jul/15/2020. Co-direction.

8- Thesis: Diseño y construcción de un sistema de captura y conversión de video a formato digitalStudent: Sergio Antonio Castro Aguayo. Degree: BSc, Licenciatura en Ingeniería MecatrónicaUniversity: Centro Universitario de los Lagos, Universidad de GuadalajaraApplication date: Jun/25/2019.

7- Thesis: Identificación de parámetros para el análisis multiestado de señales biológicas en actividad muscular. Student: Rossana Rodríguez Montero. Degree: MSc, Maestría en Ciencias de la Computación. University: Instituto Tencnológico de León. Application date: Aug/17/2018. Co-direction.

6- Thesis: Análisis de patrones de franjas interferométricas por medio de control usando técnicas de inteligencia artificial. Student: Tania Aglaé Ramírez del Real. Degree: PhD, Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología. University: Centro Universitario de los Lagos, Universidad de Guadalajara. Application date: Jun/30/2017.

5- Thesis: Demodulación de interferogramas utilizando el método de frecuencia guiada secuencialmente optimizado por técnicas de inteligencia artificial. Student: Héctor Ulises Rodríguez Marmolejo. Degree: PhD, Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología. University: Centro Universitario de los Lagos, Universidad de Guadalajara. Application date: Aug/18/2016.

4- Thesis: Identificación de Individuos Mediante la Caracterización de Huellas Digitales a través de la aplicación de Variables Mecánicas. Student: Jorge Alonso Ramírez Márquez. Degree: MSc, Maestría en Ciencias en Ingeniería. University: Universidad Politécnica de Aguascalientes. Application date: Jan/24/2014. Co-direction.

3- Thesis: Tratamiento térmico y químico de rejillas de difracción cuasisenoidales elaboradas en láminas de poliacetato con impresora láser. Student: René Turrubiates Vidrio. Degree: BSc, Licenciatura en Ingeniería Bioquímica. University: Centro Universitario de los Lagos, Universidad de Guadalajara. Application date: Mar/22/2013.

2- Thesis: Algoritmos de detección y reconocimiento de palabras aplicados a sistemas mono y múltiples locutores. Student: Carlos Alejandro de Luna Ortega. Degree: PhD, Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología. University: Centro Universitario de los Lagos, Universidad de Guadalajara. Application date: Jan/31/2012.

1- Thesis: Algoritmos para la caracterización de señales electrocardiográficas aplicados en la detección de arritmias cardíacas. Student: Efraín Pérez Alba. Degree: BSc, Licenciatura en Ingeniería Mecatrónica. University: Centro Universitario de los Lagos, Universidad de Guadalajara. Application date: Jun/17/2008.

sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

Technical reports (5).

5- Company:Centro Universitario de los Lagos. In: Science and Technology Department. Type: Update for employees of maintenance and production. Title:Electroneumática Básica. DCET-ENB-03. Pages: 130. Year: 2015. Co-author.

4- Company:Sigma Alimentos Lácteos, S.A. de C.V. In: Human Resource Department. Type: Update for employees of maintenance and production. Title:Mecánica Aplicada a Máquinas y Motores. DCET-EB-02. Pages: 235. Year: 2015. Co-author.

3- Company:Sigma Alimentos Lácteos, S.A. de C.V. In: Human Resource Department. Type: Update for employees of maintenance and production. Title:Electricidad Básica. DCET-EB-01. Pages: 129. Year: 2015. Co-author.

2- Company:Diseño y Desarrollo Optomecatrónico de México. In:Foro Consultivo Científico y Tecnológico, A.C. Type: 17th technical report. Title:Desarrollo de algoritmos evolutivos no convencionales (Hill-Climbing) para la generación de testores típicos. Pages: 8. Year: 2011. Co-author.

1- Company:Universidad Politécnica de Aguascalientes. In: Departament of Mechanical Engineering. Type: Course manual focused on competency-based education. Title: Óptica y Física Moderna. Pages: 36. Year: 2006. Author.

Book Chapters (7).

7. Miguel Mora González. (2021) Metrología Óptica: el arte de medir sin tocar. Chapter 19, 135-147, In: María del Rayo Aparicio Fernández, Jorge Enrique Mejía Sánchez, Viviana Matilde Mesa Cornejo (eds) Ciencia en el CULagos. Un acercamiento al interior del ámbito científico en la Atenas de Jalisco. CULagos Ediciones.

6. Mora-González M., Martínez-Cano E., Casillas-Rodríguez F.J., Peña-Lecona F.G., Reyes-García C.A., Muñoz-Maciel J. and Rodríguez-Marmolejo H.U. (2017) Artificial Visual System Used for Dental Fluorosis Discrimination. Chapter 23 In: Martínez-García A., Furlong C., Barrientos B., Pryputniewicz R. (eds) Emerging Challenges for Experimental Mechanics in Energy and Environmental Applications, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Experimental Mechanics and 9th Symposium on Optics in Industry (ISEM-SOI), 2015. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer, Cham.

5. J. Muñoz Maciel, F.J. Casillas Rodríguez, M. Mora González, F.G. Peña Lecona and V.M. Duran Ramírez. Digital Processing Techniques for Fringe Analysis, in [Optical Interferometry], Alexandre Banishev (Ed.), InTech, chapter 1, 1-23 (2017). ISBN: 978-953-51-2956-1

4. R. Chiu, F.J. Casillas, D. López-Mancilla, F.G. Peña-Lecona, M. Mora-González and J. Muñoz Maciel. Modeling of Control System, in [MATLAB Applications for the Practical Engineer], Kelly Bennett (Ed.), InTech, chapter 13, 375-395 (2014). ISBN 978-953-51-1719-3.

3. F. Luna, J.C. Martínez Romo, M. Mora-González, E. Martínez-Cano and V. López Rivas. Handwritten Signature Verification Using Multi Objective Optimization with Genetic Algorithms in a Forensic Architecture, in [Logistics Management and Optimization through Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems], C.A. Ochoa Ortiz Zezzatti, C. Chira, A. Hernandez and M. Basurto (Eds.), IGI Global, chapter 6, 141-180 (2012). ISBN 978-146-66-0297-7.

2. J.C. Martínez-Romo, F.J. Luna-Rosas, M. Mora-González, C.A. de Luna-Ortega and V. López-Rivas. Optimal Feature Generation with Genetic Algorithms and FLDR in a Restricted- Vocabulary Speech Recognition System, in [Bio-Inspired Computational Algorithms and Their Applications], Sangce Gao (Ed.), InTech, chapter 12, 235-262 (2012). ISBN 978-953-51-0214-4.

1. M. Mora-González, J. Muñoz-Maciel, F.J. Casillas, F.G. Peña-Lecona, R. Chiu-Zarate and H. Pérez Ladrón de Guevara. Image Processing for Optical Metrology, in [MATLAB - A Ubiquitous Tool for the Practical Engineer], Clara M. Ionescu (Ed.), InTech, chapter 25, 523-546 (2011). ISBN: 978-953-307-907-3.

Papers in Proceedings (29).

29. G. A. Oropeza Gómez, J. O. Orozco-López, F. J. Casillas-Rodríguez and M. Mora-Gonzalez, "2D automatic alignment of optical spatial filtering system by PID control," 2022 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), Ixtapa, Mexico, 2022, pp. 1-6.

28. B. L. Medina, J. A. V. Ibarra, R. R. M. Ramírez and M. Mora-Gonzalez, "Multi-step forecasting of waiting time on emergency department overcrowding using multilayer perceptron neural network algorithm," 2020 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), Ixtapa, Mexico, 2020, pp. 1-6.

27. M.S. Soriano-Garcia, R. Sevilla-Escoboza and M. Mora-Gonzalez, "Optomechatronics design for mobile fringe patterns with applications on profilometry," 2019 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), Ixtapa, Mexico, 2019, pp. 1-6.

26. C. Quintanar-Sotelo, Ernesto Bernal-Ortega, Adrian Navarro-Carranza, Alan J. Romo-Muñoz, Jorge A. de la Cruz Morales, R. Sevilla-Escoboza and Miguel Mora-Gonzalez, "Self-localization and positioning vehicle navigation system based on computer vision and PID control," 2019 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), Ixtapa, Mexico, 2019, pp. 1-6.

25. M. Mora-Gonzalez and R. Sevilla-Escoboza, "Enhancing the Edge Detection by Gradient-Plus-Canny Filters," in Imaging and Applied Optics 2018 (3D, AO, AIO, COSI, DH, IS, LACSEA, LS&C, MATH, pcAOP), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper JW4A.34.

24. Ulises H. Rodriguez-Marmolejo, Tania A. Ramirez-del Real, Jesus Muñoz-Maciel, Miguel Mora-Gonzalez, "Combination of genetic algorithms and FSD applied to fringe pattern demodulation," Proc. SPIE 9600, Image Reconstruction from Incomplete Data VIII, 96000A (21 September 2015).

23. Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Miguel Mora-González, Francisco J. Casillas-Rodríguez, Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, "Fourier analysis of quadratic phase interferograms," Proc. SPIE 9526, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology V, 952612 (21 June 2015).

22. Tania A. Ramirez-Delreal, Miguel Mora-González, Marco A. Paz, Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Ulises H. Rodriguez-Marmolejo, "Miscalibration detection in phase-shifting algorithms by applying radon transform," Proc. SPIE 9131, Optical Modelling and Design III, 91311G (1 May 2014).

21. Marín P., Lizana Á., Peinado A., Mora-Gonzalez M., Campos J. (2014) Comparison of Two Methods to Design Computer Generated Holograms of Discrete Points Objects. In: Osten W. (eds) Fringe 2013. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

20. R. Chiu, M. Mora-Gonzalez, D. Lopez-Mancilla, "Implementation of a Chaotic Oscillator into a Simple Microcontroller," IERI Procedia, Volume 4, 2013, Pages 247-252.

19. C. A. de Luna-Ortega, J. A. Ramírez-Márquez, M. Mora-González, J. C. Martínez-Romo and C. A. López-Luévano, "Fingerprint Verification Using the Center of Mass and Learning Vector Quantization," 2013 12th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Mexico City, 2013, pp. 123-127.

18. Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Francisco J. Casillas-Rodriguez, Miguel Mora González, Francisco G. Peña Lecona, Victor M. Durán Ramirez, "Phase recovery from interferograms under severe vibrations," Proc. SPIE 8789, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology IV, 87891B (13 May 2013)

17. Miguel Mora-González, Roger Chiu-Zarate, Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Julio C. Martinez-Romo, Javier Salinas-Luna, Juan Campos Colma, Francisco J. Luna-Rosas, "Composed filter for attenuating bi-frequential noise on LCD-generated ronchigrams," Proc. SPIE 8436, Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications II, 84360K (30 April 2012).

16. Miguel Mora-González, Roger Chiu-Zarate, Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, Héctor Pérez Ladrón de Guevara, Francisco J. Casillas, "Comparison between quasi-sinusoidal and quasi-triangular profiles for diffraction gratings printed on acetates," Proc. SPIE 8287, Eighth Symposium Optics in Industry, 82870C (14 October 2011).

15. Diaz-Sanchez G., Piza-Davila I., Sanchez-Diaz G., Mora-Gonzalez M., Reyes-Cardenas O., Cardenas-Tristan A. and Aguirre-Salado C., (2011) Typical Testors Generation Based on an Evolutionary Algorithm. In: Yin H., Wang W., Rayward-Smith V. (eds) Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2011. IDEAL 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6936. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

14. Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Francisco J. Casillas Rodriguez, Miguel Mora González, Francisco G. Peña Lecona, Victor M. Durán Ramírez, "Gradient reconstruction for the phase recovery from a single interferogram with closed fringes," Proc. SPIE 8083, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology III, 80830P (23 May 2011).

13. Miguel Mora-González, Francisco J. Casillas, Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Roger Chiu-Zarate, Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, "The Ronchi test using a liquid crystal display as a phase grating," Proc. SPIE 8082, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VII, 80823G (27 May 2011).

12. Sanchez-Diaz G., Piza-Davila I., Lazo-Cortes M., Mora-Gonzalez M., Salinas-Luna J. (2010) A Fast Implementation of the CT_EXT Algorithm for the Testor Property Identification. In: Sidorov G., Hernández Aguirre A., Reyes García C.A. (eds) Advances in Soft Computing. MICAI 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6438. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

11. Mora-González M., Martínez-Romo J.C., Muñoz-Maciel J., Sánchez-Díaz G., Salinas-Luna J., Piza-Dávila H.I., Luna-Rosas F.J., de Luna-Ortega C.A., (2010) Radon Transform Algorithm for Fingerprint Core Point Detection. In: Martínez-Trinidad J.F., Carrasco-Ochoa J.A., Kittler J. (eds) Advances in Pattern Recognition. MCPR 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6256. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

10- F.J. Luna Rosas, J.C. Martínez Romo, J.R. de la Torre Sifuentes, M. Mora, A. Padilla D., “ANFIS: Fast identification of breast cancer”, Proc. of The 2009 Int. Conf. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Vol. II (2009) 459-465.

9. Martínez-Romo J.C., Luna-Rosas F.J., Mora-González M. (2009) On-Line Signature Verification Based on Genetic Optimization and Neural-Network-Driven Fuzzy Reasoning. In: Aguirre A.H., Borja R.M., Garciá C.A.R. (eds) MICAI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. MICAI 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5845. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

8. Miguel Mora-González, Héctor Pérez Ladrón de Guevara, Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, Roger Chiu-Zarate, Francisco J. Casillas, Gilberto Gómez-Rosas, Francisco G. Peña-Lecona, Zuleima Montserrat Vázquez-Flores, "Discretization of quasi-sinusoidal diffraction gratings printed on acetates," Proc. SPIE 7499, Seventh Symposium Optics in Industry, 74990C (3 December 2009).

7. De La Torre J., Luna F., Martínez J., Padilla A., Mora M. (2008) SERS and ANFIS: Fast Identification of the Presence of Retrovirus in CD4 Cells, Cause of AIDS. In: Gelbukh A., Morales E.F. (eds) MICAI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. MICAI 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5317. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

6. J. C. M. Romo, F. J. L. Rosas and M. Mora-González, "Combining Genetic Algorithms and FLDR for Real-Time Voice Command Recognition," 2008 Seventh Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Atizapan de Zaragoza, 2008, pp. 163-169.

5- G. Gomez-Rosas, C. Rubio-Gonzalez, J.L. Ocaña, C. Molpeceres, J.A. Porro, M. Morales, F.J. Casillas, M. Mora-González, F.G. Peña-Lecona, “Application of Laser Shock Processing System by Underwater Irradiation (1064 nm) in Metal Surface”, AIP Conf. Proc. RIAO/OPTILAS 2007, Vol. 992 (2007) 1123-1128.

4- J. Muñoz Maciel, F.J. Casillas Rodríguez, M. Mora González, F.G. Peña Lecona, G. Gómez Rosas, “Phase Recovery From a Single Interferogram by Region Growing”, AIP Conf. Proc. RIAO/OPTILAS 2007, Vol. 992 (2007) 365-370.

3. G. Gomez-Rosas, C. Rubio-Gonzalez, J. L. Ocaña, C. Molpeceres, J. A. Porro, M. Morales, F. J. Casillas, M. Mora-Gonzalez, W. Chi-Moreno, "Laser shock processing to improve residual stresses with and without paint layer on 6061-T6 aluminum alloy," Proc. SPIE 6422, Sixth Symposium Optics in Industry, 64220U (18 May 2007).

2. Jesús Muñoz-Maciel, F. Gerardo Lecona-Peña, Cesar Castillo-Quevedo, Franciso J. Casillas-Rodríguez, Víctor Duran-Martínez, Miguel Mora-González, "Phase recovery from a single interferogram using multiple Fourier transforms," Proc. SPIE 6292, Interferometry XIII: Techniques and Analysis, 62920D (14 August 2006).

1. Noe Alcala Ochoa, Gabriel Mendiola Anda, Miguel Mora Gonzalez, Luis Martinez Escobedo, Celia Escamilla, "Crack inspection on tanks using shearography," Proc. SPIE 5776, Eighth International Symposium on Laser Metrology, (14 February 2005).

Other Papers (13).

13. S. Castro-Aguayo, C.I. Medel-Ruíz, F.J. Casillas-Rodríguez, J. Sevilla-Escoboza, M. Mora-González, "Análisis de la temperatura e intensidad luminosa de distintas fuentes de luz usadas en un proyector casero de película 8mm," Revista Internacional de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica RIIIT 10(58), 1-13, (September 2022).

12. Rossana Rodríguez Montero, David Asael Gutiérrez Hernández, Miguel Mora González, Víctor Manuel Zamudio Rodríguez, Juan Martín Carpio Valadez, Manuel Ornelas Rodríguez, Claudia Margarita Lara Rendón, Miguel Salvador Gómez Díaz, Jesús Ricardo Sevilla Escoboza, and Víctor Porfirio Vera Ávila, "Detection of physiological changes in women during muscle activity using electromyography and other techniques," IJCSIS 15(12), 236-241, (December 2017).

11. F.J. Luna Rosas, J.C. Martinez Romo, R. Mendoza Gonzalez, V. Lopez Rivas, M. Mora Gonzalez and G. Medina Veloz, “A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for Automatic Detection of Breast Cancer Based on Raman Spectroscopy”, J. Communication and Computer 11 (2014) 158-167.

10. C.A. de Luna-Ortega, M. Mora-González, J.C. Martínez-Romo, F.J. Luna-Rosas, J. Muñoz-Maciel, “Reconocimiento del habla mediante el uso de la correlación cruzada y una perceptrón multicapa”, Nova Scientia 6 (12) (2014) 108–124.

9. R. Chiu, M. Mora-González y D. López-Mancilla, “Osciladores Caóticos implementados en Microcontrolador PIC18F”, Nova Scientia 6 (12) (2014) 60–77.

8. C.A. de Luna Ortega, M. Mora González, J.C. Martínez-Romo, F.J. Luna Rosas, “Reconocedor de Palabras con el uso de Regresión Lineal y Coeficiente Muestral”, Conciencia Tec. (44) (2012) 5-9.

7. F.G. Peña-Lecona, J. Muñoz-Maciel, G. Gómez-Rosas, F.J. Casillas-Rodríguez, M. Mora-González, V.M. Duran-Ramírez, C. Castillo-Quevedo, “Ultra High Voltage Surge Waveforms Measurement Using an Optical Transducer", Sensors & Transducers Journal 116(5) (2010) 104-111.

6. V.F. Marañón-Ruiz, J. Castañeda-Contreras, M. Mora-González, H. Pérez Ladrón de Guevara, R. Chiu-Zarate, D.E. Ledesma-Carrión, L. Tellez-Jurado, “Películas de silicio dopadas con cristal líquido y rojo de metilo que presentan propiedades ópticas no lineales con potencial aplicación en optoelectrónica”, Superficies y Vacío 23(4) (2010) 15-20.

5. F.G. Peña-Lecona, C. Castillo-Quevedo, J. Muñoz-Maciel, V.M. Duran-Ramírez, F.J. Casillas-Rodríguez, J.G. Rodríguez-Zavala, G. Gómez-Rosas, M. Mora González, “Telemetría de alto voltaje con alta sensibilidad por medio de un sensor de campo eléctrico basado en fibra óptica y un cristal fotorefractivo”, Científica, 12(2) (2008) 87-95.

4. F.J. Luna Rosas, J.C.Martínez Romo, J. Muñoz Arteaga, G. Medina Veloz, M. Mora González, “Optimizando el balanceo dinámico de carga bajoCOBRA en un sistema neuronal de verificación de firmas Off-line”, Inv. y Ciencia, 16(041) (2008) 9-19.

3. M. Mora González, F.J.Casillas Rodríguez, J. Muñoz Maciel, J.C. Martínez Romo, F.J. Luna Rosas, Luna Ortega, G. Gómez Rosas, F.G. Peña Lecona, “Reducción de ruido digital en señales ECG utilizando filtraje por convolución”, Inv. y Ciencia, 16(040) (2008) 26-32.

2. C.A. de Luna Ortega,J.C. Martínez Romo, M. Mora González,“Reconocimiento de Voz con Redes Neuronales, DTW y Modelos Ocultos de Markov”, Conciencia Tec., (32) (2006) 13-17.

1. M. Mora González, F.J. Casillas Rodríguez, “Comparación de Métodos de Calibración para Cristales Líquidos (Nemáticos)”, Inv. y Ciencia, 14(036) (2006) 4-9.